It's NOT too late
This is one aspect of life where I would like to say that it's NOT too late to turn your Life around. I know thousands that woke up this morning very tired. Thousands woke up angry and resentful. There are thousands that woke up thankful but are at their zenith. Why, because those thousands are working jobs that limits their financial status and their abilities. It goes against their purpose in Life to really be doing something they love to do and always wanted to do. If this is you, keep reading. If it's not you, and you can honestly say that you're living your dreams, getting paid what you're worth, and satisfied, then this post isn't for you. Lets continue..
Those thousands that woke up dissatisfied with where they work and what they're doing, I just want to let you know that life was not intended for you to be doing something that doesn't make you happy. I know you're not happy there. You hate your job put pray that you don't get fired. You look forward to the holidays so you can have a day off. You have all the odds stacked up against you so you're feeling like you have to work. Some may even feel sick because they know that they are working to hard for less pay, an overbearing supervisor and pounds of workload. This is not living. This is sin. "And the price of sin is death." Death is moving backwards and sin is the steps you make to move backwards.
How long are you going to continue to live this miserable life style family? How long will you continue to sin? How long will you put your dreams on hold so you can feel comfortable with working a job that you don't even like, but praying that you don't get fired? It's time. It's time for you to invest in you and your dreams. It don't have to big right now but start somewhere. Remember that you don't have to be great to get started but you have to get started to be great.
Here are 3 things that you can do to get started right away:
1) Decide what it is that you really want. Something that you love. Study it. Learn the market. Write down your dreams and goals on what and why this is what you want. Jim Carrey said "that you will fail at doing the things that you don't like, so you might as well do something that you Love."
2) Make a conscious effort everyday to get bigger and better at what it is that you love doing. Be it. Act it. Think it. Dress like it. Speak life into yourself. Be prepared for win opportunities arise for you to shine. It's better to be prepared and never have an opportunity than to have an opportunity and not prepared.
3) Trust God. Allow God to work His magic. All God to put the right situations, people, and opportunities in your life. When you trust God to do these things than miraculous things begin to occur. Believe. Believe in You.
If you don't move on Life, Life will move on you, family. Your purpose will haunt you. It will show up at your door step. Give you nightmares. It will do all it can to get your attention. It's NOT to late to follow your dreams. Get started. Don't doubt yourself. Trust God.
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