WE killed Mike Brown......

My heart goes out to the families, friends and loved ones of Bro. Mike Brown, especially the parents. My heart goes out for the millions of families, friends, associates, loved ones, relatives and mates all across the world that are dealing with these situations.

I can't imagine what it feels or looks like to have a son, daughter, friend, relative, etc.. to be slain by shootings from anyone, however. It's happening all around the world. Mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, kids, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, mates, babies are all being murdered due to suicide, genocide mental-cide, wars, crimes, jealousy, the lack of food, hatred, money, greed, superiority, inferiority, religion and many more causes to the slaying of millions around the world. This is the reality that We're living in and what do we do?

We share pictures and stories; we tweet, post, and write statuses; discuss issues that are plaguing our communities; engage in heated dialogues, and, if it doesn't "concern" us, we go about our business. We care today, but tomorrow we don't. We are so quick to point the finger, blame and condemn without taking a self-revaluation at the cause of the problem. Yes, family, WE are the problem.

Now, at the end of the day, I don't blame the "evil" that's done. I blame the ones that see the evil that's being done and don't say or do anything about it. We won't take responsibility or accountability about our lack of help. We won't acknowledge the fact that we are too "busy" with our own lives that we can't take the time to give, love, support and mentor those that needs our services. We don't have a sense of urgency towards getting in our communities and showing people another way. The first step to solving these "problems" in the world is to accept the fact that we are the problem. We are the problem. I put the word problem in quotations because these aren't truly problems, they are opportunities.

Most will find millions of excuses as to why they're not doing anything about it. I can find a billion reasons why we should do something about it. Our collective consciousness towards these "problems" are that "things still going to be the same", "police still going to kill people", "white folks still going to do whatever because of white-supremacy", "what can one person do?", "nobody is going to want to do anything about it" or "the world is coming to an end; these are the signs of times." Because of that collective consciousness, we already loss 98% of the battle towards ending these problems. Our collective mindset towards these problems determines our future. Our collective mindset towards these problems are so powerful that it keeps happening. I tell you this: Change your mindset and you've already began to change the world.

We've spent centuries identifying problems. We're wasting our time by acknowledging the fact that they're there. Be the solution. Change your mindset. Help others be the solution and help them change their mindset. Stop waiting for things to get better and make them better. Stop making excuses and make a difference. It's all in Our hands to make the changes family! Not just for African Americans but for every Human Being across the world. We were Human Beings way before we were labeled colors, ethnicities and races.

What's it going to take? How many more family members are we going to lose for us to make moves? How many more tragic stories are we going to have to hear to make a difference?
Are you a part of the construction crew or the demolition?
Are you the solution or the problem?

The decision is Yours! Make the change.

It's #KingdomTime


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