
One of the biggest mistakes you can make is holding onto someone who's already let you go;
our relationship wasn't bricks, it was legos, she had met someone long ago;
she told me as I balled up my fist;
that I allowed intruders to break the enchantment that protected our crazy bliss;
I accepted it and found tranquility;
as she turned her back to me,
it was killing me willingly;
this was a lesson I had to learn,
a heart break I had to take;
a recipe towards true love I had to make; pain that I had to ache;
this is the scene in the movies where I cry my eyes out;
because all the truth has been told and the lies out;
worst fears,
and over the years,
my tears healed me;
more love entered in me
and fulfilled me;
I'm still me,
but more loving and faithful;
dear, I forgive you, dearly,
but at the same time I hate you.
#KingdomTime    


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