
She's been hiding who she is for years
behind that mask and her fears;
when I removed what was not her,
all I found was tears;
I was saddened by what I saw,
she covered up her true essence;
baby girl is a blessing,
but in a deep depression;
she said,
"I dreamed of a prince to save me into a bliss;
so each man that came to my castle came with gifts;
rather if it was getting cheated on or getting beated on,
I still held my vision;
of one day getting true love,
not the one we see on television"
she smokes weed,
it's her form of letting out what's inside;
she rolled up her pain,
licked the negativity from left to right;
inhaled all her bottled up emotions,
exhaled her crying eyes;
she's hurt from the thought of never finding what she always dreamed of;
"life ain't what reality TV makes it seem of." 
#KingdomTime    


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