Favorite Position

I asked her,
"What's your favorite position in bed?"
Thinking her answer will enlarge me;
She said,
"near the wall, so I can be on my phone while it's charging."
This is the price you pay for dealing with Queens;
they don't sexually reveal themselves
and they say what they mean;
they are out spoken,
most have been broken;
she rather for you to touch her mind
before you try to get her legs to open;
I'm knowing this could be a very hard path;
to her heart because most brothers don't last;
"What are your intentions with me?" She asked;
to answer that was a very hard task;
I want to see her walking down the aisle with her dad;
or on a honeymoon thinking these are some of the best times we've ever had;
have some babies and begin our own fam;
but I just stayed quiet,
I couldn't express it;
fear, rejection, and loving hard is considered to be aggressive.
#KingdomTime    


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